Fragrant plants

Plants carefully chosen for the beautiful fragrance of their flowers or foliage. 52 products

Acronychia oblongifolia

White Aspen (Acronychia oblongifolia) $3.75

Beautiful, medium sized rainforest tree with attractive, dense lemon scented foliage and edible white fruit (tastes like lemon rind). Grows equally well in full sun or shade. A great shade tree attractive to birds, bees and butterflies.
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Alpinia coerulea

Native Ginger (Alpinia coerulea) $3.75

A great foliage plant to create that tropical feel in the garden and also makes an attractive feature around pools.The 1 metre long foliage stems bear white flowers, followed by blue globular fruits.The young growing tips of the creeping rhizomes have a distinct Ginger flavour and were used as bush tucker by Aborigines. The leaves were also used to wrap food in to be cooked.
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Backhousia anisata

Aniseed Myrtle (Backhousia anisata) $4.25

Beautiful, medium sized tree with rich green, dense foliage which has a strong aniseed perfume.Bears masses of white flowers in Summer which are about 10mm in diameter.Frost tender but can grow as far south as Melbourne.Grows to about 8 metres high in open sun cultivation.
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Backhousia citriodora

Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) $4.25

Very dense, low branching large shrub /small tree that bears masses of white flowers 1cm in diameter. Leaves have a very pleasant lemon fragrance. Makes a good taller screen. Grows to 6m high in full-sun.
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Backhousia myrtifolia

Cinnamon Myrtle (Backhousia myrtifolia) $4.25

A small tree with bright green tear-shaped leaves and graceful weeping branches. Bears masses white flowers, with persistent green sepals during Summer.Leaves have a Cinnamon fragrance. Grows to 7m in the open.
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Boronia keysii

Boronia keysii (Boronia keysii) $3.75

One of the easiest Boronias to grow. Is an endangered plant in its natural environment. Very fragrant foliage and bright pink flowers make this an attractive addition to any garden.Grows to 1m high.
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Boronia megastigma

Brown Boronia (Boronia megastigma) $4.25

Beautiful and unusual little shrub which bears masses of highly fragrant (much prized by the perfume industry) bell flowers which are yellow inside and red-brown outside.The longevity of this very worthwhile shrub can be extended by regular (but not harsh) pruning after flowering in Spring. Requires excellent drainage and full-sun for best flowering.
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Boronia megastigma x heterophylla

Purple Hybrid Boronia (Boronia megastigma x heterophylla) $4.25

A vigorous, dense growing, deep purple flowered hybrid cross between the brown boronia (B.megastigma) and the red flowered Boronia heterophylla. A very showy cut-flower with a beautiful perfume.
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Buckinghamia celsissima

Ivory Curl Flower (Buckinghamia celsissima) $3.75

Beautiful smaller tree with a dense canopy of dark-green leaves and large pendulous spikes of creamy-white flowers in summer.Grows to 8m in the full-sun.
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Callerya megasperma

Native Wisteria (Callerya megasperma) $3.75

Naturally found in rainforest, rainforest margins and wet sclerophyll forest from NE NSW to SE QLD this evergreen climbing vine bears masses of lilac pea type flowers throughout Spring and deep green, glossy leaves. This is also Native Butterfly attracting vine, like the Richmond Birdwing Vine and is quite often found growing together in its native habitat. This species attracts the  Pencilled Blue and Large Banded Awl Butterflies. Can be trained on a strong trellis or let grow to the tops of trees to enhance the canopy.
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