Butterfly plants

Butterfly attracting plants. 10 products

Acmena ingens

Red Apple (Acmena ingens) $4.25

Very attractive garden tree, which grows quickly and adapts well to full or part sun and cool to hot climates. Grows to over 10 m tall. Bears white flowers in summer followed by large, red, tart but edible fruit in winter. Provides habitat for all kinds of local wildlife � especially birds, bats, bees and a wide variety of insects.
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Angophora floribunda

Rough Barked Apple (Angophora floribunda) $3.75

A heavy flowering specimen tree with an interesting trunk of fibrous grey bark. It produces profuse clusters of creamy white flowers through mid spring to early summer. It is bird attracting & bees like it as well.
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Aristolochia praevenosa

Richmond Birdwing Butterfly Vine (Aristolochia praevenosa) $3.75

A climbing vine naturally found in rainforest, rainforest margins and wet sclerophyll forest from NE NSW to SE QLD and is the food source of the rare Richmond Birdwing Butterfly .This vine can be trained on a strong trellis or let grow to the tops of trees to enhance the canopy.
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Callistemon Hannah Ray

Hannah Ray Bottlebrush (Callistemon Hannah Ray) $3.75

A beautiful medium sized shrub which is similar to, but slightly smaller in height than Callistemon Dawson River. Foliage is dense and elegant with weeping branches. Bears masses of red bottlebrush flowers in Spring. Grows to around 3 metres high.
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Callistemon Pink Alma

Pink Alma Bottlebrush (Callistemon Pink Alma) $3.75

A showy little shrub has a well-branched, compact habit and flowers profusely in Spring and a lesser flowering in Autumn. A great bird, bee and butterfly attracting plant and adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Grows to 1.5 metres high.
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Hovea acutifolia

Purple Bush Pea (Hovea acutifolia) $3.75

An attractive small shrub with an erect slender stem with broad leaves. Beautiful bright purple pea shaped flowers occur in clusters of long dense heads during Spring. Native to New South Wales and Queensland. Prefers a light well-drained soil in an open sunny position, drought resistant but frost tender.
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Lophostemon suaveolens

Swamp Box (Lophostemon suaveolens) $3.75

A very hardy tree with red-brown, fibrous-papery, persistent bark. Grows in sclerophyll forest, mainly in coastal districts and often on swampy ground or alluvial flats. A good wildlife habitat tree and butterfly attractor.
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Pandorea jasminoides

Bower Of Beauty (Pandorea jasminoides) $3.75

A vigorous evergreen, native climber with glossy green foliage that flowers from Winter to Summer. It has masses of white bell flowers with a pinkish centre. Tolerates light frosts and is good for full sun to part shade. Can be cut back hard to rejuvenate. A good butterfly food plant.
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Prostanthera scutellarioides

Coastal Mint Bush (Prostanthera scutellarioides) $3.75

A beautiful little shrub with narrow, aromatic, dark green foliage which bears masses of purple flowers in Spring but flushes throughout the year as well. Grows between 1m and 2m high. Great for hedges, screens, borders and ornamental use. It is bird and native bee attracting. Frost and drought tolerant.
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Syzygium Aussie Compact

Aussie Compact Lily Pilly (Syzygium Aussie Compact) $3.75

A fast growing, dense shrub with masses of red berries in Summer. The glossy green leaves and bronze-tinged new foliage makes a great privacy screen. In spring it attracts pollinators with its white flowers. Grows to 3m.
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