Shrubs - 6 to 8m high

Larger shrubs for showy specimens, windbreaks and privacy screens. 4 products

Banksia integrifolia

Honeysuckle Banksia (Banksia integrifolia) $3.75

A well shaped, small tree with attractive foliage (dark green on top, silvery white underneath) and yellow flowers appearing from late Summer to Winter. A good bird attractor. Can grow up to 8m high.Frost resistant.
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Callistemon salignus

White Bottlebrush (Callistemon salignus) $3.75

A small tree with an upright branching habit and pale yellow flowers in Summer.Its new foliage is a brilliant pink colour. Its dense foliage makes an excellent choice as a medium sized windbreak or screen.
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Callistemon viminalis

Weeping Red Bottlebrush (Callistemon viminalis) $3.75

A large shrub / small tree with dense, weeping foliage and branches. Red flowers appear profusely in Spring and Autumn. An excellent windbreak / screen and bird attracting plant.
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Metrosideros queenslandica

Queensland Golden Myrtle (Metrosideros queenslandica) $3.75

Small to medium sized shrub/tree with dense foliage making it an ideal screen/windbreak. Bears spectacular heads of bright yellow flowers.
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