Windbreak trees

Trees growing 8 metres or more in height with dense foliage and a low branching habit making them ideal for wind protection. 73 products

Acacia baileyana

Cootamundra Wattle (Acacia baileyana) $3.75

A fast growing and very showy wattle with fernlike, grey-green foliage and masses of golden yellow flowers in the middle of Winter. Frost resistant and grows to about 6m high.
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Acacia baileyana purpurea

Purple Leafed Cootamundra Wattle (Acacia baileyana purpurea) $3.75

A fast growing and very showy wattle with fernlike, purple foliage and masses of golden yellow flowers in the middle of Winter. Frost resistant and grows to about 6m high.
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Acacia elata

Cedar Wattle (Acacia elata) $3.75

Fast growing, tall tree with fern-like foliage. Fragrant pale yellow flowers appear in Summer. Prefers a moist, well drained position. A long lived (100yrs+) and attractive tree. Grows up to 12m high.
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Acacia floribunda

Gossamer Wattle (Acacia floribunda) $3.75

Large, bushy shrub with masses of cream coloured flowers in early Spring. Being so dense and fast growing, it makes an excellent, quick screen. Grows up to 6m high.
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Acacia maidenii

Maidens Wattle (Acacia maidenii) $3.75

An attractive ornamental tree along streets and in parks and very good for reforestation in suitable areas. Prefers full sun to partial shade with an ample supply of water. It grows primarily in areas near the coast in higher rainfall areas on the margins of rainforest and in wet sclerophyll forest. It grows along the coast of NSW, onto the tablelands and central western slopes, and into Victoria and Queensland.
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Acacia melanoxylon

Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) $3.75

A long lived (100yrs+) and attractive wattle tree which produces a highly sought after, dark cabinet timber. Planted in the open it makes a good, dense windbreak.Frost resistant.
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Acmena smithii

Lilly Pilly Satinash (Acmena smithii) $3.75

A very hardy and dense tree with beautifully coloured new foliage of red and dark pink. Bears white flowers followed by purple to white fruits. Makes a great windbreak tree.
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Acronychia oblongifolia

White Aspen (Acronychia oblongifolia) $3.75

Beautiful, medium sized rainforest tree with attractive, dense lemon scented foliage and edible white fruit (tastes like lemon rind). Grows equally well in full sun or shade. A great shade tree attractive to birds, bees and butterflies.
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Agonis flexuosa

Willow Myrtle (Agonis flexuosa) $3.75

Lovely medium sized tree with a beautiful weeping habit. Bears masses of small white flowers in Spring. A good specimen and windbreak tree. Frost resistant.
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Angophora costata

Sydney Red Gum (Angophora costata) $3.75

A beautiful specimen tree with striking new salmon/pink coloured bark which gradually turns grey, and its mass of white flowers which bloom over the summer months and are produced in large bunches. The individual flowers are about 2 cm wide with five tooth-like sepals, five larger semi-circular petals, and a large number of long stamens. The seed capsules are goblet-shaped, 2 cm long and as wide, often with fairly prominent ribs. The usual recorded flowering time is December or January.
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