Climbers - various

Flowering climbers for fences, trellises and groundcovers. 11 products

Aristolochia praevenosa

Richmond Birdwing Butterfly Vine (Aristolochia praevenosa) $3.75

A climbing vine naturally found in rainforest, rainforest margins and wet sclerophyll forest from NE NSW to SE QLD and is the food source of the rare Richmond Birdwing Butterfly .This vine can be trained on a strong trellis or let grow to the tops of trees to enhance the canopy.
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Callerya megasperma

Native Wisteria (Callerya megasperma) $3.75

Naturally found in rainforest, rainforest margins and wet sclerophyll forest from NE NSW to SE QLD this evergreen climbing vine bears masses of lilac pea type flowers throughout Spring and deep green, glossy leaves. This is also Native Butterfly attracting vine, like the Richmond Birdwing Vine and is quite often found growing together in its native habitat. This species attracts the  Pencilled Blue and Large Banded Awl Butterflies. Can be trained on a strong trellis or let grow to the tops of trees to enhance the canopy.
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Hardenbergia comptoniana

Native Wisteria (Hardenbergia comptoniana) $3.75

A beautiful and vigorously growing climber/groundcover which bears masses of purple pea flowers in spring with attractive dark green glossy leaves. Use it to screen fences or walls or as a vigorous ground cover that can stabilise embankments.
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Hardenbergia Happy Wanderer

Climbing Violet (Hardenbergia Happy Wanderer) $3.75

A vigorous growing and prolific flowering form of Hardenbergia violacea which climbs as well as trails along the ground.Beautiful purple "pea" type flowers.
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Hardenbergia violacea

Purple Coral Pea (Hardenbergia violacea) $3.75

A beautiful native vine or groundcover, if it has nothing to climb on, bears masses of brilliant purple pea type flowers in late Winter to early Spring.
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Hardenbergia violaceae Bliss

Hardenbergia violaceae Bliss (Hardenbergia violaceae Bliss) $3.75

Hardy self supporting shrub or compact climber that grows from 1m to 2m tall. Spectacular sprays of lilac pea-type  flowers during late Winter and early Spring. Frost tolerant.
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Hardenbergia violaceae rosea

Pink Native Sarsparilla (Hardenbergia violaceae rosea) $3.75

A very showy climbing plant. It is moderately vigorous but rarely covers other plants so extensively as to cause damage. The foliage is dense and dark, glossy green. Soft pink pea shaped flowers occur in heavy pendant clusters in Spring.
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Hardenbergia violaceae White

White Climbing Violet (Hardenbergia violaceae White) $3.75

A vigorous white flowering form of Hardenbergia violacea which climbs as well as trails along the ground.Beautiful ,pure white flowers.
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Pandorea jasminoides

Bower Of Beauty (Pandorea jasminoides) $3.75

A vigorous evergreen, native climber with glossy green foliage that flowers from Winter to Summer. It has masses of white bell flowers with a pinkish centre. Tolerates light frosts and is good for full sun to part shade. Can be cut back hard to rejuvenate. A good butterfly food plant.
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Pandorea jasminoides alba

White Wonga Vine (Pandorea jasminoides alba) $3.75

A very decorative climber with glossy, dark green leaves and masses of beautiful, pure white, trumpet shaped flowers from late Spring until Autumn.The flowers are delicately scented.
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