Cat proof plants

Beautiful flowering plants that deter predatory cats by their prickly foliage. This allows small native birds to nest in peace. 11 products

Banksia robur

Broad Leafed Banksia (Banksia robur) $3.75

A shrub with large, broad leaves and large flower heads which are blue / green in bud, opening to yellow / green. Tolerates heavy soils and is an excellent bird attractor. Can grow to 3m high.
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Callistemon pachyphyllus Green

Dwarf Green Flowering Bottlebrush (Callistemon pachyphyllus Green) $3.75

Sprawling, dwarf bottlebrush with green flower brushes.A very hardy and worthwhile shrub.
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Callistemon pearsonii Rainbow Falls

Rainbow Falls Bottlebrush (Callistemon pearsonii Rainbow Falls) $3.75

Beautiful, bushy little shrub growing up to 2 m high with small leaves with bronze coloured new foliage contrasting with the red bottlebrush flowers with yellow anthers in Spring. Frost resistant.
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Grevillea Copper Rocket

Copper Rocket Grevillea (Grevillea Copper Rocket) $3.38(10% off )

A vigorous growing and hardy flowering shrub growing to 4 m high with beautiful, oak shaped leaves and masses of pink toothbrush flowers in Summer and Autumn. Frost hardy.
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Grevillea junipera Molonglo

Molonglo Grevillea (Grevillea junipera Molonglo) $3.75

A vigorous Grevillea hybrid with a low, spreading habit. Bears masses of apricot coloured flowers. High frost and drought tolerance. Grows under 1m high.
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Grevillea paniculata

Grevillea paniculata Groundcover (Grevillea paniculata) $3.38(10% off )

Ground-cover form with white flowers in winter and spring. Flowers have a strong cinnamon fragrance.Slightly prickly foliage makes it a great shelter from predatory cats for birds and wild-life.
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Grevillea Pink Lady

Grevillea Pink Lady (Grevillea Pink Lady) $3.75

Very attractive ground cover with prickly, linear leaves and masses of pink coronet shaped flowers most of the year but peaking in Spring. Frost resistant.
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Grevillea Poorinda Queen

Poorinda Queen (Grevillea Poorinda Queen) $3.75

A beautiful dense shrub growing up to 4 metres high making it an excellent screen plant and bird attractor. Bears masses of apricot pink flowers in clusters.
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Grevillea Scarlet Sprite

Grevillea Scarlet Sprite (Grevillea Scarlet Sprite) $3.75

A terrific little shrub with very fine foliage and strongly contrasting, brilliant scarlet coloured flowers.Grows to 1m high.Frost resistant.
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Grevillea semperflorens

Grevillea semperflorens (Grevillea semperflorens) $3.38(10% off )

The first recorded grevillea hybrid, growing to 2m tall with soft, fine foliage on elegant, arching branches. Beautiful, yellow and pink flowers for most of the year. Frost tolerant.
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