A fast growing, dense shrub with masses of red berries in Summer. The glossy green leaves and bronze-tinged new foliage makes a great privacy screen. In spring it attracts pollinators with its white flowers. Grows to 3m.
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Very attractive garden tree, which grows quickly and adapts well to full or part sun and cool to hot climates. Grows to over 10 m tall. Bears white flowers in summer followed by large, red, tart but edible fruit in winter. Provides habitat for all kinds of local wildlife � especially birds, bats, bees and a wide variety of insects.
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A very fast-growing small tree can grow to 6m and approx. 4m wide. A flush of creamish-yellow flowers from Spring to Summer followed by green fruit capsules with black fruit attract birds such as Silvereyes and Rosellas. Macaranga is also the host plant for the Blue Triangle Butterfly and is known to shelter Graceful Tree Frogs under the dense leaf canopy.
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