Drought resistant plants

Plants known for their hardiness to withstanding long periods without rain, once established. 314 products

Corymbia eximia nana

Dwarf Yellow Bloodwood (Corymbia eximia nana) $3.75

A dwarf version of the Yellow Bloodwood - Corymbia eximia. Has broad leafed foliage with a strong green colour. The leaf may turn a paler yellow/green in the colder months. This tree is eye-catching in springtime when the tree is covered in masses of creamy yellow flowers. A great specimen and street tree. Grows under 8m high
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Corymbia intermedia

Pink Bloodwood (Corymbia intermedia) $3.75

A very hardy and shady tree with masses of caramel fragranced cream coloured flowers and rough bark.
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Corymbia maculata

Spotted Gum (Corymbia maculata) $3.75

A fast growing and very hardy eucalypt which tolerates poor soils and droughts extremely well. Its smooth bark changes from yellow to slate grey and darker spots with age.
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Corymbia ptychocarpa

Swamp Bloodwood (Corymbia ptychocarpa) $3.75

A highly ornamental gum tree with very spectacular large red (ranges from scarlet to white) flowers during the Summer /Autumn. Fast growing if kept moist.Grows to 12m high.
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Crowea exalata low form

Crowea exalata low form (Crowea exalata low form) $3.75

Delightful,small shrub to 0.5 m high .Fresh Lime-Green aromatic foliage and masses of Pink star-like flowers throughout the year.Frost resistant.
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Crowea Poorinda Ecstacy

Crowea Poorinda Ecstacy (Crowea Poorinda Ecstacy) $3.75

An outstanding, compact, rounded shrub growing to 1m high. Fresh, lime-green aromatic foliage and masses of bright pink star shaped flowers all year round. Grows well in sun or part shade. Frost resistant.
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Cupaniopsis anacardioides

Tuckeroo (Cupaniopsis anacardioides) $3.75

A dense and very hardy smaller tree with large glossy green leaves and white flowers followed by bird attracting black seeds in orange fruits around Christmas time. Grows to 10m high in the open.
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Dampiera coronata

Wedge Leafed Dampiera (Dampiera coronata) $3.75

A beautiful, small, rounded shrub consisting of flattened, upright stems with masses of prominent and showy flowers on top. Grows less than half a metre high.
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Darwinia citriodora

Lemon Scented Darwinia (Darwinia citriodora) $3.75

A dense and attractive, small to medium sized shrub with foliage that has a pleasant lemon fragrance. The small, orange flowers are attractive to honey-eaters and other birds. Grows to 2m high.
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Darwinia homoranthoides

Darwinia homoranthoides (Darwinia homoranthoides) $3.75

Small, low growing shrub which is particularly grown for its attractive foliage. Small yellow flowers give the whole bush a very unusual yellow top in Spring. Frost resistant.
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