Drought resistant plants

Plants known for their hardiness to withstanding long periods without rain, once established. 99 products

Corymbia maculata

Spotted Gum (Corymbia maculata) $3.75

A fast growing and very hardy eucalypt which tolerates poor soils and droughts extremely well. Its smooth bark changes from yellow to slate grey and darker spots with age.
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Corymbia ptychocarpa

Swamp Bloodwood (Corymbia ptychocarpa) $3.75

A highly ornamental gum tree with very spectacular large red (ranges from scarlet to white) flowers during the Summer /Autumn. Fast growing if kept moist.Grows to 12m high.
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Cupaniopsis anacardioides

Tuckeroo (Cupaniopsis anacardioides) $3.75

A dense and very hardy smaller tree with large glossy green leaves and white flowers followed by bird attracting black seeds in orange fruits around Christmas time. Grows to 10m high in the open.
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Eucalyptus blakelyi

Blakelys Red Gum (Eucalyptus blakelyi) $3.75

A very hardy, frost and drought tolerant tree can be grown on relatively heavy soils and poorer, loamy soils. It is an important species in the honey industry as it provides a valued source nectar and pollen for bees.Grows naturally on the Tablelands and Western Slopes.
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Eucalyptus fibrosa

Broad Leafed Red Ironbark (Eucalyptus fibrosa) $3.75

A very hardy, fast growing Ironbark. A great honey producer, bird and wildlife attractor which is very resistant to droughts and poor soils.
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Eucalyptus melliodora

Yellow Box (Eucalyptus melliodora) $3.38(10% off )

Wide spreading, medium-sized, leafy, shade tree with masses of bee-attracting cream flowers which produce a superior honey.
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Eucalyptus moluccana

Coastal Grey Box (Eucalyptus moluccana) $3.75

Fast growing gum tree with dark grey bark on lower trunk, silver grey above. Grey-green foliage & creamy-white flowers February-May. Good Koala food plant. Pollen source for honey attracts birds, bees and possums. Tolerates light salinity and heavy soils.
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Eucalyptus nicholii

Narrow Leafed Peppermint (Eucalyptus nicholii) $3.75

A beautiful,dense, fine leafed Eucalypt with an elegant weeping habit and fragrant, peppermint foliage. This is a terrific shade and windbreak tree.
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Eucalyptus nova anglica

New England Peppermint (Eucalyptus nova anglica) $3.75

Fast growing and hardy tree. The young leaves are vivid blue, appear in all four seasons, and take on soft reds to purples in colder temperatures.
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Eucalyptus saligna

Sydney Blue Gum (Eucalyptus saligna) $3.75

A tall, straight, fast growing Gum Tree with smooth, blue-grey bark. Flowers heavily and is a good honey producer.
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