A very hardy, medium sized She-Oak which is adaptable to many different soil types including heavy clay soils. Makes a terrific windbreak. Frost resistant.
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A very fast growing evergreen tree which grows 10 to 20m tall. The lower trunk is rough and dark while the upper trunk has a smooth white or light grey surface. Grows naturally on flat, deep soils of medium to high fertility and can tolerate clays well. Flowers Winter to Early Summer.
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A very hardy, frost and drought tolerant tree can be grown on relatively heavy soils and poorer, loamy soils. It is an important species in the honey industry as it provides a valued source nectar and pollen for bees.Grows naturally on the Tablelands and Western Slopes.
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Fast growing gum tree with dark grey bark on lower trunk, silver grey above. Grey-green foliage & creamy-white flowers February-May. Good Koala food plant. Pollen source for honey attracts birds, bees and possums. Tolerates light salinity and heavy soils.
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A fast growing and very hardy tree suitable to most local soil types - even heavy clays which waterlog for weeks at a time. It is one of the favorite local Koala food trees.
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A beautiful and very hardy rainforest tree that makes a great shade tree and windbreak due to its dense foliage and low branching habit. It has dark green, glossy, foliage and bears masses of white flowers in November.
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Dense, erect shrub with strongly aromatic, bright green foliage and masses of white (sometimes pink) five-petalled flowers. The leaves contain a high level of Citronella Oil which helps to repel mosquitoes. This versatile shrub also tolerates badly drained/wet sites.Grows to 2m high.
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A very hardy tree with red-brown, fibrous-papery, persistent bark. Grows in sclerophyll forest, mainly in coastal districts and often on swampy ground or alluvial flats. A good wildlife habitat tree and butterfly attractor.
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