Powerline friendly plants

Plants that have a maximum ultimate height that wont interfere with powerlines and are therefore suitable for roadside plantings as well. 100 products

Lomandra spicata

Rainforest Lomandra (Lomandra spicata) $3.20

A shade tolerant grass like plant with small cream flower spikes followed by bright orange seed capsules. The narrow, strap like leaves are more blue grey than L. hystrix and up to 80cm long and around 1cm wide. A very useful border plant.
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Melaleuca armillaris

Bracelet Honey Myrtle (Melaleuca armillaris) $3.75

A tall shrub with a spreading crown of narrow, dark green leaves at the end of which creamy / white bottlebrush - like flowers appear during Spring / Summer.Grows to 6m in the open.Frost resistant.
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Melaleuca Claret Tops

Claret Tops (Melaleuca Claret Tops) $3.75

Bushy evergreen shrub to around 1.5m high by 1m wide, making it an excellent shape for hedging.Bears white flowers in Spring and shows red flushes in its new foliage.
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Melaleuca lateritia

Robin Red Breast (Melaleuca lateritia) $3.75

A small, dense, upright shrub with outstanding orange red flowers during spring and summer. Makes a very attractive screen to 2m high.Frost resistant.
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Melaleuca thymifolia

Thyme Honey Myrtle (Melaleuca thymifolia) $3.75

Very small, ornamental shrub which usually lives around the edges of swamps or in heavy clay soils. Because of this it is very suitable for use in gardens with heavy soils. Bears beautiful, purple,fluffy, flowers.Grows up to 1m high.Frost resistant.
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Poa labillardieri

Tussock Grass (Poa labillardieri) $3.20

A dense perennial tussock grass with long, slender, soft, greyish-green or blue-green leaves in a weeping habit. Depending on aspect and soil, it will grow up to 80 cm tall. Delicate plume like flowerheads in spring to summer extend above the foliage up to 1.2 metres. This is a very graceful and attractive grass well suited for Native Landscaping use.
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Prostanthera cuneata

Alpine Mint Bush (Prostanthera cuneata) $3.75

Beautiful, rounded and compact shrub to 1 m in height. Has small aromatic leaves and white flowers throughout Summer. Frost resistant.
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Prostanthera incisa

Cut Leaf Mint Bush (Prostanthera incisa) $3.75

A small, dense,rounded,evergreen shrub with masses of lilac flowers in Spring.This is a beautiful, little shrub that deserves to be grown in every native garden, just for the fragrance alone.Grows to 2m high.
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Prostanthera Mauve Mantle

Mauve Mantle Mint Bush (Prostanthera Mauve Mantle) $3.75

A vigorous growing Mint Bush which grows to 2 metres high and up to 3 metres wide. Has small green leaves and bears masses of mauve flowers with a purple spotted throat all throughout Spring. Likes full sun or partial shade. Frost resistant.
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Prostanthera ovalifolia compacta

Dwarf Mint Bush (Prostanthera ovalifolia compacta) $3.75

Dense shrub growing to 1.5 m tall with very aromatic, oval leaves and masses of showy purple flowers in Spring. Smaller version of the Native Mint Bush. Frost tolerant.
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