Shrubs - 1 metre or less high

Smaller flowering shrubs for rockeries and small gardens. Also look in 1 m groundcovers section. 15 products

Melaleuca thymifolia

Thyme Honey Myrtle (Melaleuca thymifolia) $3.75

Very small, ornamental shrub which usually lives around the edges of swamps or in heavy clay soils. Because of this it is very suitable for use in gardens with heavy soils. Bears beautiful, purple,fluffy, flowers.Grows up to 1m high.Frost resistant.
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Prostanthera cuneata

Alpine Mint Bush (Prostanthera cuneata) $3.75

Beautiful, rounded and compact shrub to 1 m in height. Has small aromatic leaves and white flowers throughout Summer. Frost resistant.
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Prostanthera rylstonii Pink

Pink Flowering Mint Bush (Prostanthera rylstonii Pink) $3.75

Beautiful little shrub reaching up to 1 m tall with small, soft,  grey green and strongly aromatic leaves. Bears masses of delicate, pale pink flowers in Spring. Frost resistant.
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Tetratheca thymifolia

Black Eyed Susan (Tetratheca thymifolia) $3.75

Small, rounded shrub with masses of spectacular, purple flowers in spring. Being a hardy coastal heath plant of relatively poor soils it makes a good rockery specimen for some added brilliant colour.Grows less than 1m high.Frost resistant.
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Westringia Smokey

Smokey Westringia (Westringia Smokey) $3.75

An unusual variegated form of Westringia fruticosa growing to only half a metre high. The silky grey leaves edged with white give smokey appearance.Bears masses of white flowers. Frost resistant.
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