
A large range of beautiful flowering, bird-attracting shrubs of all sizes. 78 products

Syzygium australe Select

Lily Pilly Select (Syzygium australe Select) $3.75

A compact Lily-Pilly with dark-green, glossy foliage. New growth has a bronze colour which is very attractive.Masses of white flowers are followed by edible, purple fruit.A terrific, dense, screen plant which can be formally hedged if need-be. Grows to 3m high.
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Syzygium australe Tiny Trev

Tiny Trev Lily Pilly (Syzygium australe Tiny Trev) $3.75

A dwarf, dense lily pilly with glossy green foliage and orange-red leaf tips. One of the smallest growing lily pillies with a maximum unpruned height of around 1.2 metres. Makes a terrific hedge plant.
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Syzygium paniculata dwarf

Dwarf Magenta Cherry (Syzygium paniculata dwarf) $3.75

A compact and very dense shrub that makes a terrific screen plant. It has glossy, mid-green foliage, white, fluffy flowers and edible, magenta coloured berries. Can be formally hedged, if desired.Grows from 2m to 3m high.
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Syzygium wilsonii ssp wilsonii

Powder Puff Lily Pilly (Syzygium wilsonii ssp wilsonii) $3.75

Unusual shrub with a rounded and weeping habit. New foliage is red and the flowers are large and a beautiful deep wine red. This shrub prefers a shady spot with plenty of compost. Grows to about 2 metres high.
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Tetratheca thymifolia

Black Eyed Susan (Tetratheca thymifolia) $3.75

Small, rounded shrub with masses of spectacular, purple flowers in spring. Being a hardy coastal heath plant of relatively poor soils it makes a good rockery specimen for some added brilliant colour.Grows less than 1m high.Frost resistant.
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Westringia longifolia

Fine Leafed Rosemary (Westringia longifolia) $3.75

Beautiful, fine leafed shrub with a dense rounded form. Bears masses of pure-white flowers throughout the canopy for most of the year. Frost and drought resistant.Grows to 2m high.
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Westringia Sea Mist

Sea Mist Westringia (Westringia Sea Mist) $3.75

A tough shrub reaching 2 metres tall with beautiful variegated foliage speckled throughout with mauve flowers in Winter and Spring. Frost resistant.
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Westringia Smokey

Smokey Westringia (Westringia Smokey) $3.75

An unusual variegated form of Westringia fruticosa growing to only half a metre high. The silky grey leaves edged with white give smokey appearance.Bears masses of white flowers. Frost resistant.
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