Bird and bee plants

Plants that are attractive to birds and bees due to their pollen or nectar production or their consistent or heavy flowering habit. 135 products

Leptospermum flavescens Pacific Beauty

Pacific Beauty Tea Tree (Leptospermum flavescens Pacific Beauty) $3.75

A beautiful small, groundcover shrub with a dense,low-growing habit.Great for rockeries and flowing over banks.Through Winter and Spring the fine, lacey, cascading foliage is covered in attractive pink buds which open up to large, white flowers.Frost resistant.
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Leptospermum Lemon Hedge

Lemon Hedge Tea Tree (Leptospermum Lemon Hedge) $3.75

This is a selected hybrid variation of Leptospermum petersonii - Lemon Scented Tea Tree, with much finer, delicate foliage of which its new leaves are a deep bronze colour. The foliage contrasts superbly with the masses of white, tea tree flowers appearing in late Spring and Summer.Its dense habit,
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Leptospermum liversidgei

Swamp May (Leptospermum liversidgei) $3.75

Dense, erect shrub with strongly aromatic, bright green foliage and masses of white (sometimes pink) five-petalled flowers. The leaves contain a high level of Citronella Oil which helps to repel mosquitoes. This versatile shrub also tolerates badly drained/wet sites.Grows to 2m high.
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Leptospermum Pink Cascade

Pink Cascade (Leptospermum Pink Cascade) $3.75

A beautiful,sprawling groundcover with fine leaves and masses of dainty pink flowers during spring and autumn.Frost resistant.
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Leptospermum polygalifolium

Jelly Bush (Leptospermum polygalifolium) $3.75

Rounded shrub 3m high by 3m across, with light green, oblong leaves to 20 mm long and profuse white flowers, 1 to 2 cm in diameter, occurring in late spring and summer.Honey produced from these flowers is proven to have highly antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties.Frost resistant.
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Leptospermum rotundifolium Julie Anne

Julie Anne (Leptospermum rotundifolium Julie Anne) $3.75

Beautiful little sprawling,ornamental groundcover spreading to 1 metre wide. Small, round, dark green leaves with masses of large pale pink flowers in Spring. Frost resistant.
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Leptospermum rotundifolium Lavender Queen

Lavender Queen (Leptospermum rotundifolium Lavender Queen) $3.75

Small open shrub with unusual,small, rounded leaves with masses of much larger Lavender coloured flowers.Salt and Frost resistant. Grows to around 1.5 metres.
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Lomandra spicata

Rainforest Lomandra (Lomandra spicata) $3.20

A shade tolerant grass like plant with small cream flower spikes followed by bright orange seed capsules. The narrow, strap like leaves are more blue grey than L. hystrix and up to 80cm long and around 1cm wide. A very useful border plant.
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Lophostemon confertus

Brush Box (Lophostemon confertus) $3.38(10% off )

An ornamental tree with large, slightly glossy green leaves which form a dense canopy making it an ideal windbreak / large screen. Clusters of white flowers appear in Summer. Produces a tough, high quality timber.
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Lophostemon suaveolens

Swamp Box (Lophostemon suaveolens) $3.75

A very hardy tree with red-brown, fibrous-papery, persistent bark. Grows in sclerophyll forest, mainly in coastal districts and often on swampy ground or alluvial flats. A good wildlife habitat tree and butterfly attractor.
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