A very hardy, small shrub with masses of red flowers in late Winter to Spring and fine, green foliage. A good bird attractor.To 3m high.Frost resistant.
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A spreading bush with very attractive spider - like flowers that are a shell pink colour. Is very hardy and drought tolerant. It covers a wide area and is good for covering banks.Under 1m high but more than 2m in diameter.
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A dense, medium sized shrub with attractive, fish-bone type foliage and bird-attracting, red toothbrush flowers. Makes an attractive screen to 3m high.Frost resistant.
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A vigorous Grevillea hybrid with a low, spreading habit. Bears masses of apricot coloured flowers. High frost and drought tolerance. Grows under 1m high.
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A long flowering, low, spreading Grevillea with woolly, grey-green foliage and pink/red and cream flowers from Late Winter through to Spring. Also flowers well in fairly shady areas.Frost resistant.
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A beautiful spreading shrub growing up to 2 metres high x 3 metres wide with small divided green leaves. Bears masses of lemon yellow spider flowers from Autumn through till Spring. Tolerant of drought, alkaline soils and moderate frost.
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A highly ornamental, spreading shrub with a beautiful, pendulous habit and soft, narrow foliage.Flowers are pink and white and appear Autumn to Spring.Grows to 1m high.Frost resistant.
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An attractive, weeping / spreading shrub with long, dark green leaves and red toothbrush ? type flowers. This makes a good, long lived screen if you have the space - as they can get4m wide! Grows to 2m high.
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Ground-cover form with white flowers in winter and spring. Flowers have a strong cinnamon fragrance.Slightly prickly foliage makes it a great shelter from predatory cats for birds and wild-life.
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