Bird and bee plants

Plants that are attractive to birds and bees due to their pollen or nectar production or their consistent or heavy flowering habit. 135 products

Casuarina cunninghamiana

River She Oak (Casuarina cunninghamiana) $3.75

A tall, fast growing and widely planted She-Oak for riverbank stabilisation and windbreaks. Grows 2 - 3m per year in its first few years of growth.Frost resistant.
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Casuarina glauca

Swamp She Oak (Casuarina glauca) $3.75

A very hardy, medium sized She-Oak which is adaptable to many different soil types including heavy clay soils. Makes a terrific windbreak. Frost resistant.
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Casuarina torulosa

Rose She Oak (Casuarina torulosa) $3.75

One of the most attractive She-Oaks, having a dense, dark green crown (red tinged for part of the year) of weeping branches / foliage. Seed cones are the staple diet of the Black Cockatoo.Frost resistant.
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Cedrela toona

Red Cedar (Cedrela toona) $3.82(10% off )

The well known Australian East Coast tree which was ruthlessly felled by early timber-getters.This beautiful and very long-lived tree must be planted within breaks in already established forest to grow at its very best and in these conditions is one of the fastest growing rainforest trees.
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Correa Dusky bells

Correa Dusky Bells (Correa Dusky bells) $3.75

A very hardy spreading shrub growing to 1 m high with dense green foliage and beautiful dark pink bell like flowers in Spring. Frost resistant.
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Correa Marianne

Marianne Correa (Correa Marianne) $3.38(10% off )

Beautiful upright spreading plant to 1.5 metres high. Has an open growing habit with attractive small green leaves.Bears masses of tubular flowers which are rose pink at the top and creamy yellow at the base over a long period.
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Correa reflexa Pink Panther

Correa Pink Panther (Correa reflexa Pink Panther) $3.75

Medium sized shrub with masses of tubular pink-yellow flowers from July to February and grey-green foliage.can grow to 2m high.
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Corymbia citriodora

Lemon Scented Gum (Corymbia citriodora) $3.75

A fast growing and ornamental eucalypt with highly fragrant foliage and cream / white flowers.
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Corymbia gummifera

Red Bloodwood (Corymbia gummifera) $3.75

Fast growing and shady gum tree which prefers a sandy soil but may tolerate heavier soils as well. The prolific cream flowers in summer are very attractive to bees, insects and other wildlife. Tolerates light frosts, poor soils and drought.
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Corymbia maculata

Spotted Gum (Corymbia maculata) $3.75

A fast growing and very hardy eucalypt which tolerates poor soils and droughts extremely well. Its smooth bark changes from yellow to slate grey and darker spots with age.
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