Very hardy and attractive shrub with dense foliage and soft, green, weeping branches. Bears masses of Cardinal Red bottlebrushes from Spring through to Autumn, at least. Moderately Frost Tolerant. Grows to 3 metres high.
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Beautiful, bushy little shrub growing up to 2 m high with small leaves with bronze coloured new foliage contrasting with the red bottlebrush flowers with yellow anthers in Spring. Frost resistant.
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A showy little shrub has a well-branched, compact habit and flowers profusely in Spring and a lesser flowering in Autumn. A great bird, bee and butterfly attracting plant and adaptable to a wide range of conditions. Grows to 1.5 metres high.
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A small tree with an upright branching habit and pale yellow flowers in Summer.Its new foliage is a brilliant pink colour. Its dense foliage makes an excellent choice as a medium sized windbreak or screen.
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Medium sized, evergreen shrub with a dense and bushy habit making it a great screen or hedge plant.A good bird attractor due to the profusion of bright pink,bottlebrush flowers. Grows to 3m.
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Very showy, medium sized shrub with bright green foliage and masses of pale pink bottlebrush flowers, mainly in spring but at other times also. Grows to 3m high.
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A large shrub / small tree with dense, weeping foliage and branches. Red flowers appear profusely in Spring and Autumn. An excellent windbreak / screen and bird attracting plant.
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A magnificent spreading compact shrub reaching 1 m high x 1.5 m wide.Foliage consists of fine heath like leaves and bears masses of very showy pink starlike flowers in Spring. Well drained soil required. Frost resistant.
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