A highly ornamental gum tree with very spectacular large red (ranges from scarlet to white) flowers during the Summer /Autumn. Fast growing if kept moist.Grows to 12m high.
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A very fast growing evergreen tree which grows 10 to 20m tall. The lower trunk is rough and dark while the upper trunk has a smooth white or light grey surface. Grows naturally on flat, deep soils of medium to high fertility and can tolerate clays well. Flowers Winter to Early Summer.
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A dense and very hardy smaller tree with large glossy green leaves and white flowers followed by bird attracting black seeds in orange fruits around Christmas time. Grows to 10m high in the open.
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A small and very popular Native Lily for use as a garden edging or in a rockery. Grows to only about half a metre high with green strap like leaves and is happy in either shade or sun. Bears blue star like flowers with yellow anthers in Spring followed by blue berries. Frost resistant.
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A very hardy, frost and drought tolerant tree can be grown on relatively heavy soils and poorer, loamy soils. It is an important species in the honey industry as it provides a valued source nectar and pollen for bees.Grows naturally on the Tablelands and Western Slopes.
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A very fast growing, tall, straight eucalypt with smooth,creamy-white bark. A great tree for helping re-establishing rainforest because it provides a very fast canopy for early protection of other, more vulnerable species.
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